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Expression 101

uthleader 2020.09.25 21:08:18

Expression 101.png


Expression 101은 영화나 드라마에 나오는 표현들을 모아서 다양한 억양과 발음들을 들어볼 수 있도록 기획한 게시판입니다. 주로 영화/드라마에 자주 등장하는 표현들을 선정해서 제목으로 쓸 예정입니다.


그리고 그 표현이 일정 갯수가 모이면 Youtube에 영상으로 올리는 것도 준비하고 있습니다.

영화/드라마에서 본 듯한 표현이 나온다면 댓글에 기록해 주세요.

함께 만들어가는 게시판이 되었으면 합니다.


<Clip 01> Source - Friends S1 E01

"What, like there's a rule or something?"


<Clip 02> Source - Frasier S1E01 (22:37) ← Added by 망고님

It's like I'm in mourning or something    


<Clip 03> Source - Kim's Convenience S1E01  ← Added by 망고님

you had a 50% discount or something like that? (04:41)

You guys gettin' lunch or something? (05:58)  


<Clip 04> Source - Wonder part1( week3) ← Added by 망고님

I mean, were you in a car crash or something?  


<Clip 05> Source - Friends S1E01 

~ if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something...


#06 - We Bare Bears S1E03 ← Added by 망고님

You think I'm a chump or something?


#07 - Eli Stone S1E01 ← Added by 망고님

What is that, like an organ or something? (03:57)

They should collect them all in a book or something. (13:54)


#08 - Breakfast at Tiffany's  ← Added by 망고님

Maybe we can have a drink or something, tomorrow. (Part I 51:01)

That'll give me diplomatic immunity or something. (Part II 41:00) 


#09 - Broken Angel ← Added by 망고님

There's some kind of a problem or something. (50:20)

I couldn't stand it or something happened to you.


#10 - The Seven Year Itch ← Added by 망고님

- What's the big deal you want to kill somebody or something? (24:03)

- It's not some priceless antique or something.

- Beautiful girl must be a model or actress or something. (27:13)

- It was probably criminal negligence or manslaughter or something. (34:03)

- Are you afraid of burglars or something? (38:28)

- I'm on the verge of some kind of a nervous break down or something?

- You drunk or something?


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