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Expression 101

uthleader 2020.09.25 21:16:02

Expression 101.png


Expression 101은 영화나 드라마에 나오는 표현들을 모아서 다양한 억양과 발음들을 들어볼 수 있도록 기획한 게시판입니다. 주로 영화/드라마에 자주 등장하는 표현들을 선정해서 제목으로 쓸 예정입니다.


그리고 그 표현이 일정 갯수가 모이면 Youtube에 영상으로 올리는 것도 준비하고 있습니다.

영화/드라마에서 본 듯한 표현이 나온다면 댓글에 기록해 주세요.

함께 만들어가는 게시판이 되었으면 합니다.



함께 배울 표현은 "out of league"입니다. league라고 하면 보통 스포츠 경기의 '리그'를 생각하기 쉬운데, '수준'이라는 의미도 있습니다. 물론 스포츠 경기의 리그도 메이저리그, 마이너리그와 같이 같은 수준을 가지고 있는 팀이나 선수끼리 경쟁하게 되어 있지요. 


예를 들어 He is out of your league.라고 표현한다면, 그는 당신 수준에 어울리지 않아요. 쉽게 말해, 당신한테 어울리지 않아요.(속뜻은 당신 수준이 조금 떨어져요.)라는 의미입니다.


#01 - Drop Dead Diva S1E03 (11:01)

Jane: Well, forget it, okay? Stacy's out of your league. You'll be setting yourself up for a world of hurt.


#02 - Friends S1E08 (22:24)

Lowell: By the way, your friend Brian from Payroll? He is.

Chandler: He is?

Lowell: Yep. And way out of your league.


#03 - The Big Bang Theory S01 E01 

Leonard: Anyway, I've learned my lesson. She's out of my league, I'm done with her, I’ve got my work, one day I’ll win the Nobel Prize and then I’ll die alone.


#04 - Friends S01 E06

Chandler: Oh please, could she be more out of my league? Ross, back me up here.


#05 - Friends S03 E05

Rachel: Now, you do realize that she’s a cartoon, and way out of your league?


#06 - Friends S09 E14

Steve: Oh, come on, you're way out of my league. Everybody in here knows it.


#07 - Friends S09 E20

Ross: Man, I can't compete with the guys she goes out with, they are so out of my league! oh my God!


#08 - Suits S1E7 (05:30) ←  addition by 망고님

I'm out of my league with this thing. 


#09 - 10 Things I Hate About You S1E18 

- Cameron James is dating way out of his league. (03:44)

- At least it doesn't say "Spoink is dating way out of his league. (03:47)


#10 - Everybody Loves Raymond S6E10

- So how hot was she?

- Oh, Raymond...so out of your league.


#11 - How I Met Your Mother S1E5 

Ted: Nice eyes. Cute smile. Out of your league.


#12 - How I Met Your Mother S3E13

Barney: At first she seemed great, beautiful, smart, way out of your league. But then, I overheard this conversation.


#13 - Batman Beyond Return of the Joker (01:06:17)

You're out of your league, McGinnis.


#14 - Desperate Housewives S1E22 (01:29)

- Oh, honey, you are so far out of your league that you are playing a completely different sport.




