제가 가지고 있는 지식과 검색한 자료를 바탕으로 작성한 내용입니다. 혹시 수정할 내용이 있다면 언제라도 댓글로 알려주세요. 함께 만들어가는 칼럼이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
오늘은 접미사 -cracy에 대해서 알아보려고 합니다. 먼저 아래의 예시들을 보시겠습니다.
democracy = 민주주의 / 군중(demo)이 지배하는 정치
monocracy or autocracy = 독재정치 / 자기 혼자 하는 정치
bureaucracy = 관료주의, 관료 정치 / 관리 관료 등이 하는 정치
technocracy = 과학 기술 분야 전문가들이 많은 권력을 행사하는 정치 및 사회 체제
aristocracy = 귀족이 지배하는 정치
kakistocracy = 극악정치, 악덕정치 / 악당이 지배하는 정치 (kako (caco-)는 나쁘다는 말입니다)
plutocracy = 금권정치 / 돈 많은 놈이 지배하는 정치
theocracy = 종교정치, 신권정치 / 종교지도자가 실권을 잡아 하는 정치(물론 신의 직접 통치라는 말도 되지요.)
meritocracy = 실력주의, 능력주의 / 수재들이나 머리 좋은 사람이 지배를 하는 정치
mediocracy = 보통사람들이 하는 정치
우선 -cracy라는 단어는 정부, 통치, 정치이론을 나타내는 접미사입니다. 그리고 아래의 단어도 함께 보시겠습니다.
democrat = 민주주의자
monocrat or autocrat = 독재자 / 전제군주
bureaucrat = 관료
technocrat = 많은 권력을 행사하는 과학 기술 분야 전문가
aristocrat = 귀족
plutocrat = 금권정치가, 돈 많은 부호
theocrat = 신권정치가, 신정주의자
meritocrat = 엘리트, 실력자
mediocrat = 정치를 하는 mediocre(보통 혹은 그 이하의)한 사람들
-cracy를 하는 사람들을 -crat이라고 표현을 합니다.
학생들과 수업하다 보면 제가 아는 단어를 막 자랑하고 싶을 때가 있습니다. ^^ 저는 어원을 분석해서 학생들에게 단어를 가르쳐 주는 것을 좋아합니다. 수업 준비하면서 배우게 된 이야기들을 하나, 둘씩 여기에 풀어보려고 합니다.
위에 나와 있는 단어 중에 mono- / auto- / mediocre 와 같은 단어는 다음 번에 곧 만나실 수 있을 겁니다.
Name : Form of government, rule, or influence
adhocracy : A flexible and informal style of organization and management
albocracy : Government by white-skinned people, usually entailing discrimination against those of other colours
androcracy : The rule of man or the male
angelocracy : A government by angels
argentocracy : The rule or paramount influence of money
aristocracy : The government of a state by its best citizens
arithmocracy : A form of government in which the power is vested in the simply numerical majority
autocracy : Government by one person with absolute power
barbarocracy : Government or rule by barbarians
bureaucracy : Government by officials
chrysocracy : Rule of the wealthy
corpocracy : Corporate governance
cottonocracy : The class who have risen to wealth through the cotton trade
democracy : Government by the people
demonocracy : Government or rule by demons
despotocracy : Government by a despot
diabolocracy : Government or rule by the Devil or devils
dulocracy : Government by slaves
Eurocracy : Government by Europeans of a country or region outside Europe
ergatocracy : Government by the workers
gerontocracy : The system of government by old men
gynaecocracy : Government by a woman or women
hagiocracy : A government or sovereignty of persons esteemed holy
hetaerocracy : The rule of fellows (of a college)
hierocracy : The rule of priests or religious dignitaries
ideocracy : Governance of a state according to the principles of a particular (political) ideology
idiocracy : Personal rule or government
infantocracy : The rule of an infant
isocracy : A system of government in which all the people possess equal political power
Jesuitocracy : The rule or government of Jesuits.
juntocracy : Government by a junto
kakistocracy : The government of a state by the worst citizens
kleptocracy : Government by thieves
logocracy : A community or system of government in which words are the ruling powers
mediacracy : The (supposed) dominance of the mass media over society through its powerful influence upon government
meritocracy : Government or the holding of power by people chosen on the basis of merit (as opposed to wealth, social class, etc.)
millocracy : The rule of mill owners
mobocracy : Government by a mob
moneyocracy : The moneyed class as a dominant political force
monocracy : Government by a single person
narcocracy : A government or state dominated by a group of people whose wealth derives from the trade in illegal drugs
nomocracy : A system of government based on a legal code
ochlocracy : Government by the populace
pedantocracy : A system of government by pedants
phallocracy : A society dominated by males
physiocracy : Government according to the doctrine of the physiocrats
pigmentocracy : A system of social or class distinction based on skin colour
plutocracy : Government by the wealthy
polycracy : Government by the many
pornocracy : Rule by prostitutes
psephocracy : The form of government which results from the election of representatives by ballot
ptochocracy : A government elected by or consisting of the poor
punditocracy : Elite members of the news media
slavocracy : The domination of slave-holders
snobocracy : The class of snobs
sociocracy : A system of government by or for the benefit of society as a whole
stratocracy : Government by the army
technocracy : Government or control by an elite of technical experts
thalassocracy : Mastery at sea
theocracy : A form of government in which God (or a deity) is recognized as the king or immediate ruler
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본문 내용중 일부는 부산외국어 대학교 이용성 교수님의 저서 "이용성이 있는 영어단어 이야기"를 일부 발췌하였습니다.