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Vocabulary 101

번호 분류 제목 작성자 날짜 조회 수
18 Collocation take + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 152 +
17 Collocation Do와 함께 쓰이는 표현들 [V101] uthleader 2020.09.26 19
16 Collocation draw + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 29 +
15 Collocation Break + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 23 +
14 Collocation cause + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 126
13 Collocation have + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 19 +
12 Collocation make + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 28 +
11 Collocation file + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 16 +
10 Collocation give + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 54 +
9 Collocation hold + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 27
8 Collocation keep + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 25
7 Collocation pay + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 28 +
6 Collocation set + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 16 +
5 Collocation strike + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 23 +
4 Collocation Collocation with 'blind' [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 11 +
3 Collocation Attack [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.11.01 13 +
2 Collocation Hit + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 14 +
1 Collocation Behavior: Verb + Noun Collocations [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 12
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