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Vocabulary 101

번호 분류 제목 작성자 날짜 조회 수
175 Collocation make + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 53 +
174 Collocation file + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 29 +
173 Collocation give + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 68 +
172 Collocation hold + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 47
171 Collocation keep + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 41
170 Collocation pay + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 48 +
169 Collocation set + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 36 +
168 접미어 접미어 -wise [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 39 +
167 Collocation strike + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 39 +
166 분석 과일(Fruits) [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 26
165 Collocation Collocation with 'blind' [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 24 +
164 Idiom Out of sth [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 22
163 분석 야채(Vegetable) [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 15 +
162 다의어 다의어 Blow [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 24
161 접두어 접두어 gl- [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 13
160 유의어 놀라다 [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 26 +
159 다의어 다의어 subject [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 32
158 다의어 다의어 sharp [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 30 +
157 다의어 다의어 strip [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 30
156 유의어 바보 [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 22