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Vocabulary 101

번호 분류 제목 작성자 날짜 조회 수
195 Acronym Vocabulary 101 - Acronym(두음문자) | A uthleader 2020.09.25 9 +
194 Collocation Do와 함께 쓰이는 표현들 [V101] uthleader 2020.09.26 34
193 Idiom Idiom the Part I | A to F [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 33
192 Idiom Idiom | V101 | C편 uthleader 2022.01.04 25 +
191 Idiom Idiom | V101 | B편 uthleader 2022.01.04 39 +
190 Idiom Idiom | V101 | A편 uthleader 2022.01.04 25 +
189 Idiom Idiom the Part IV | S to Z [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2021.05.23 22 +
188 Idiom Idiom the Part III | M to R [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2021.05.23 23 +
187 Idiom Idiom the Part II | G to L [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2021.05.23 36 +
186 유의어 엉덩이 [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2021.08.29 56 +
185 Collocation draw + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 47 +
184 다의어 다의어 service [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 38 +
183 접미어 접미어 -ette [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 109 +
182 다의어 다의어 gross [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 32
181 분석 maybe VS probably [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 79 +
180 접두어 접두어 in- | 부정의 접두어 uthleader 2021.06.20 230 +
179 분석 self- 가 포함된 단어 [Vocabulary 101] uthleader 2020.09.26 48 +
178 Collocation Break + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 39 +
177 Collocation cause + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 141
176 Collocation have + sth uthleader 2020.10.04 32 +